Monday, January 31, 2005

Blogging about what is happening.

Yeah, dude. I'm trying to imagine what it's like being someone who searches out items from Vice's DOs section to buy for money, even ones that (I remember being, at least [I have fallen behind on my Vice clippings archive (every article and each individual DO and DON'T [you have to get two issues to clip each one] sorted by date, and into POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, IRONICALLY POSITIVE, MAYBE IRONICALLY POSITIVE BUT I'M NOT SURE, and SUFFICIENTLY PORNOGRAPHIC ADVERTISEMENTS folders)]) were sarcastic to begin with, and the effort to make myself that vapid is making my ears pop.
Our show last night was good. We dj'd before, in between, and after Tristeza and L'Altra, so the night went sort of HYPE, mellow, HYPE, mellow, CRUNK'D, and we bummed out fancy dudes wearing expensive eyewear trying to chat chicks up over the searing 303 solo in "Higher State of Consciousness", but Tristeza gave us a shout-out from the stage, told me and Hopper we were like "European", and offered us another gig with them, so that's kind of rad.

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